People do not like quitting jobs unless they have other options already in hand. This is because during any talent recruitment round, the person who already holds a job usually gets preference over someone unemployed. In addition, quitting without another job lined up makes one feel like a failure. However, there are times when one needs to simply let go. One such case is when the employee feels that he/she is getting involved in something illegal or unethical, thus will reflect badly on career path. Then other case is when the schedule is proving detrimental towards one’s long term health prospects. At such times, it is okay but not before following some basic steps. First of all, a plan must be sketched out of when exactly to leave, the process and to whom must the resignation be offered to. Even in a not so predictive job, certain positive elements will exist. These must be tapped up and used as references. A short, crisp resignation letter must be penned down. The day the resignation is sent out, marks a crucial day as it begins the rest of the person’s career.


Uploaded Date:01/07/2017


As part of the management training that is provided in the form of executive coaching the newly minted managers, one challenge stands out. This is the mismatch between their attitude towards flaunting their emotions till then versus the requirements of the same now. As executives, they are expected to forever keep a calm demeanor, not engage in quarrels and handle all issues by balancing all sides. However, as business leaders they will now needed to engage, inspire and motivate colleagues. This requires the display of emotion. In fact, a Harris Poll confirmed this bias by stating that most employees trust leaders who speak with authenticity. Some methods have been observed which can help new managers to emotionally resonate with the people. First of all, a clear intent has to be set bereft of ambiguity. The communication needs to involve emotional phrases. Examples of such may be inspired, amazed or exhilarated to convey joy or let down, irritated or regretful for anger. A sense of urgency may be conveyed using critical, anxious or missing out. Then, emotional appeals need to be imbibed. Such emotional triggers could be for various aspects such as for respecting authority, reciprocating behaviours or convey a similarity with all team members.


Uploaded Date:29/06/2017


There are several techniques concerned with supporting employees’ families that the U.S. military can teach civilian organizations. Of course the budgets may get different and so would the context. But few organizations would be facing such working-parent problems as the US or for that any military. Some specific methods have been sourced which if followed can help other organizations learn from the US military in this matter of talent management. Military life and training is highly regimented and punctuality is paid a premium. Similarly, such discipline in predictability helps maintain life’s rhythms when confronted with multiple challenges as working parents face. The work routines must similarly be kept as consistent as possible. Any organization must step up efforts to actually make people use the services they are offering. Very often opportunities available are not used up due to lack of knowledge or advertisement. Working parents often seek solace in one another as they share similar challenges. In such cases, it is advisable for the company itself to connect them together. Military personnel’s families get attuned to their long absences through physical reminders. This may be adopted in other walks of life through family photos, favourite toys or music enjoyed together. Corporations should stop doing the talking and instead act. Tasks such as play together or reading out can help foster better family relations within working couples.


Uploaded Date:28/06/2017

Countless studies have proven that diversity in the workplace fosters positive innovation. Specific talent recruitment drives are held in order to include people from different demographics, sexes and social groups to the organization. Yet none of this will ever succeed, unless a major flaw in the natural psyche of human beings gets rectified. This is the fact that people tend to look out for similar younger ones in order to groom or mentor them. The mentors see in these mentees, younger versions of themselves. That is why, it is people who look similar to them and belong to a similar socio-economic strata are more likely to approach them. Spotting talent outside the usual demographic, defeating all established stereotypes also helps the trainer as he/she gets to broaden one’s horizons. A more empathetic, emotionally mature leader is created.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

A lot of feedback that professionals hear directly or inadvertently, is not positive. Even with the best of intentions, the listeners may not appreciate this and may contradict the same internally. This could be performance reviews, 360 degree feedback reports, direct communication from a superior or even something overheard. A lot of people would rush to a friend to confirm their biases and get support. However, such feedback must not be taken in negative approach. In fact quite often the words expressed may not exactly be meant for want of any other phrase. For example a person deemed not creative enough may not imply a lack of creativity, but instead a lack of fostering an environment within the other team members at executing business innovations. Terms like leadership or strategic thinking are often loosely coined without really meaning the same. So one must check for blind spots by posing two questions which are about what may be wrong and what right. Of course receiving feedback does not necessarily imply that one needs to work on it, but yes it must be heard.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

Like in every other field, even human resources and talent management are getting transformed by various modern day technologies. These transformational technologies may broadly be divided into five broad categories. The first one of them is virtual interactions which are now possible due to mobile phones and video conferencing. This has reduced the talent gap as recruitment can now be sourced from across national boundaries. Analytics, artificial intelligence and big data have all empowered the decision making process. It is less about gut, more about gaining genuine business insights. Real time feedback can be gleaned from employee engagement programmes to measure the success. Mundane HR applications such as payroll, attendance and scheduling can now be handled easily using automated tools. Employees can now connect to a wider audience using social tools such as LinkedIn or Facebook. Organizations can manage contacts with various stakeholder groups such as job aspirants, alumni and employees. Employer branding can be done via blogs or podcasts. Candidates may be reached out to using job portals and professional networks. The final piece in this portfolio is wearables. Employee stress such as health, spiritual, emotional and financial insights can be gauged using such tools. Fitbits can help monitor vital signs so that the company can understand areas where they require assistance.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

With work and offices being spread across a country or even over continents, it is pertinent that remote modes of working are gaining popularity. In fact, Ann Hermann who leads a talent management firm, ensured that the firm’s entire workforce went remote. This is because, she like several other such professionals, feels that workers can be known better through long distance communications. It enables flexibility at work. So employees at this firm meet up annually on a retreat but otherwise communicate via teleconferencing tools. In a study conducted by communications firm Polycom, it was revealed that two-thirds of their twenty five thousand employees claimed their favourite colleague to be someone not from their office, but one with whom they never met face-to-face. This is because powerful teleconferencing tools even give a hint about the personal lives of people, eliciting the human touch. A lot of companies are fearful of remote working methods as Yahoo put a stop to the practice in 2013, and even admitted for years that this was the right move. While all companies have different DNAs, ultimately, remote working is something that cannot be put to the backburner for much longer today.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

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