A lot of stereotypes exist about the millennial generation. However going beyond such stereotypes, methods to develop millennial talent have emerged. Twelve of these have been earmarked specifically. One of them is obviously to believe in them as that will lead to them giving back in terms of productivity. Flexible work plans must be put in place. Contrary to popular perception, there can be a lot of collaboration between the previous generation and the present one, so companies need to start leveraging existing experience. Instead of developing systems based on prior experience, they must streamline organically depending on the people concerned. Talent management experts have stressed on how such mentorship programmes yield the best of developmental results. A feeling of family then builds up in the organization. Beyond the narrow company objectives, employees must be provided management training to develop them holistically as individuals. Their digital training must go beyond just understanding to tap Google searches. Instead of frantically searching for talent elsewhere, it is always better to promote from within by organic means. Millennials have been observed to have an entrepreneurial streak so it will be better to tap this inner potential by affording them greater independence to develop their own ideas at the workplace. Innovative firms such as Zappos, Facebook and Google have excelled at people retention due to the art of storytelling that they have mastered.



During the talent recruitment process, companies depending on requirements often screen candidates on the basis of their strategic thinking capabilities. Some methods have been recognized which are best practices in order to deduce such thinking abilities. First of all, in the recruitment process itself, they must be presented with some real problems to solve. While answers may differ they must all include some common points such as a list of potential problems, a strategic plan, tracking of key economic and industry trends, cross-department stakeholder consultations and business forecasting based on multi-year records. Answers to these must include interconnected or independent functional areas, solutions for customers and ways to measure success with proper metrics defined. Another method is to make them review any history flawed strategy followed by identification of problems to answer why it failed. Standard interview questions must include some strategic phrases such as multiyear, cross-functional, connecting the dots, root cause analysis, data driven decisions and strategic goals. Specific questions must be targeted which detect signs of such strategic thinking. Some such specific questions may be “steps taken in career to become strategic thinkers”, “process of identifying relevant stakeholders on strategic projects at present job” or “how to connect the dots between proposed strategy and interrelationships present at the organization”. Most interviews these days end with an open round being thrown open for the candidate to ask any question. This question’s strategic perspective must be considered.



The present times are turbulent in several countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, Argentina and Italy. All these countries have seen political upheavals or elections and the people are anxious for assessing the economic implications. That is when the story of HP must be studied more carefully. Founded in the 1930s, the 1940s were a very difficult period of a lot of IT firms, but HP went on a spree of talent recruitment of top engineers or scientists leaving US military labs in the post war era. While the founders were initially cautious due to the external climate, they eventually went on hiring as they felt this was a golden opportunity. No wonder within a few decades, HP was among the topmost recognized US brands. The case of Egon Zehnder is similar. They surfaced during the dot com bust of the early 2000s when their profile of executive search was not seen as very attractive. They stuck by those difficult times, rode the recession, but emerged through all these crises as stronger.



Five key trends have been collated which will certainly influence the working of human resources and talent management in the year 2017. Due to the flourishing gig economy, the very definition of the workplace will be under duress. This creates unique challenges in recruitment, performance tracking and regulatory compliances. Due to the influx of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the employee experience will get more personalized. Corporate training methods will develop in order to engage high talent individual employees in their conditioned manner. Real time analysis will now be available due to live feedback and data driven analytics. So HR managers can pinpoint organizational needs and individual performances using wide variety of metrics. HR will also get highly data driven where granular data can be processed for appraisal processes. The concept of wellbeing is being driven by the fact that a large portion of the millennial workforce does wish to work for only money but unique experiences. They want to contribute to a better world. An irreversible momentum has developed driving transformation around HR.



As evidenced during the talent research carried out by the Impact Achievement Group and HR marketer that majority of professionals consider employee surveys as simply gimmicks which HR departments conduct to tick off their engagement boxes. Some companies such as Google however have sought to break free from this image. Google uses business analytics to create the perfect team after analyzing various metrics available. So in order of importance, Google set out to create a sense of psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning and impact to the job roles. It also conducted sessions categorized under Project Oxygen by which manager ratings were assessed. It was understood that among leaders, people rated their coaching and power sharing abilities as the most important. In addition, their communication skills, role in career progress, vision and technical skills were deemed important by the employees.



In order to succeed at the highly competitive field of talent recruitment, many companies are taking extreme steps. This is further perpetrated by the fact that some of the brightest talent from around North America and the rest of the world are flocking to the Silicon Valley area for tech related jobs. In order to recruit millennials, management consulting giant Deloitte has ditched the traditional method and instead venturing to hackathons, product showcases and code fests. There are three major reasons why such unconventional methods are working well in this case. First of all it fits the processes around the people to create a talent pipeline. Through such events, the recruiters also get to test not only their technical skills, but also for the cultural fit of the candidates as they can be seen live at their comfort zone. In this method, millennials feel catered to for an aspect they rate very highly in choosing jobs- career growth. Instead o having to fit in around a company culture, they can continue to contribute for societal development using their skills.



Empathy is the science and art of understanding other’s concerns from their point of view. A lot of results-driven managers fail to realize that it is people they are dealing with. Results may work out in the short term, but in the long run it is relationships and talent management which make or break organizations. For those leaders lacking in empathy, a few steps have been outlined which can be good beginning points. First of all, it is important that these leaders observe things around themselves, listen for signs and finally ask questions whenever ambiguities exist. Also distractions need to be avoided so that the leaders can pay full attention to the people concerned. Multi-tasking must also be avoided as much as possible as it does not facilitate higher level cognitive interactions with people.



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