Arianna Huffington’s next Disruption: Your sleep Patterns
Arianna Huffington has revolutionized online journalism, written several books and once even ran for the Governor’s position in her home state of California. Yet now she is focused on another disruption which is sleep. She feels that the amount and quality of sleep each night is directly responsible for the productivity not just for a day but for years at a stretch. One can solve several lifestyle related problems by rectifying this as highlighted in her new book The Sleep Revolution. Facebook and McKinsey have both included sleep patterns as part of their corporate training programmes. Aetna has gone one step ahead providing employees with a Fit-bit to track sleep patterns. Those completing 7 hours’ sleep per night are being doled out modest bonuses. The Duke University has concluded from a study that sound sleep leads to a sixty-two minute a week improvement in productivity and seven percent lower costs in healthcare. Arianna Huffington also says that the challenges have multiplied since she began Huffington post from a small apartment room. Now fewer people are directly visiting such news sites but are being redirected from social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The importance of digital marketing has thus increased tremendously.
Uploaded Date:09 January 2018