The concept of corporate culture is undergoing a sea change and is set to ring in further changes due to the rise of the millennial generation. This generation, often lampooned with images of egocentricity and technology addiction is set to take over the corporate world by the year 2020 by sheer dint of numbers. Thus the ongoing corporate culture represents the kind of workplace this generation would like to see. One important aspect for this generation is diversity and inclusion at the workplace. Many consider themselves politically independent, religiously unaffiliated and possessing interest in other nations, ideas, beliefs and cultures. This is why they encourage talent recruitment from wide range in diversity. They are extremely particular about possessing the right work-life balance. Millennials are particularly conscious about company culture as a study states that they are ready to fork out up to US$ 7,600 for the right balance. Millennials are also increasingly more conscious about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so wish to contribute towards the environment and charity. Millennials crave a sense of engagement at work with a recent survey establishing that only twenty nine percent of them were. They also want the feedback they provide to be taken seriously and be acted upon more actively. Millennials do not crave material possessions as much as they do ideas. While they cannot be labeled as idealists, they sure want nurturing of bigger things that provide them greater satisfaction.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

Until recently, people management was seen as one of the soft aspects of business. It wasn’t measurable and thus a lot of companies, especially finance professionals paid little heed to it. This belief was due to HR professionals lacking the tools to provide proper business intelligence on tangible effects of skilled professionals or leaders. Now, a new metric has been designed where workforce value equals people plus the data. A Leadership Capital Index has been developed by Professor Dave Ulrich to measure the value of leadership skills. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are segregated to demonstrate the importance of the human capital. Due to the immense quantities of data now available, more accurate analysis is possible. This will be particularly useful while raising fresh funding.


Uploaded Date:19/06/2017

While politics at the workplace is generally considered a negative trait, on occasions, it can lead to strategic purposes being served. Ultimately behind all types of office politics, the root cause is always either of scare resources, personal motivations or structural inequalities. As per business research carried out by the McGill University, politics is in a long line of forces such as norms, authority and expertise to ultimately achieve the goals. A matrix can be designed for organizational politics in which the four quadrants will be named after metaphors. On the x axis of the horizontal plane, source of power will be either informal or formal. The y axis on the vertical plane will consist of where the aforementioned political activity takes place- individual or organizational. The Woods are people who derive their power informally and cause politics at organizational level. The High Ground too conduct at organizational level but posses formal source of power. The Weeds and the Rocks both conduct politics at individual level but the former derives merely informal power while the latter has genuine formal position.


Uploaded Date: 16th May 2017

Different kinds of work environments are suited to different personalities. There broadly exist four kinds of workplaces. The first such model is “company as community”. Here the entire workflow is designed keeping in mind employee requirements. Teamwork and loyalty are placed as the bedrock principles against which all things happen. The next model is known as “constellation of stars”. This is ideal for a disparate team of stars who all want to reach the top level. Competitiveness at work is put above all other requirements. Talent management is extremely critical at such places because big egos need to be leveraged towards organizational benefits. In “not just a company, a cause” model, personal happiness is put back in preference for organizational success. USAA is one such example where passion for the brand has become paramount among employees. The “small is beautiful” approach puts emphasis on small teams. Some companies prefer to remain small by concentrating on things that they’re really good at rather than commercializing all. The choice of workplace ultimately depends solely on individuals’ preferences.


Uploaded Date: 13th May 2017

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