Exceptional leaders in any field are marked out by certain X factors they possess. One such X factor is they do not get overawed by complexity, but instead simplify them to make them easy to operationalize. While their solutions are simple to follow, they are not simplistic, but quite detailed in scope. They set the tone for the entire organization or team, by honing the inherent ambition present in all. The two fundamental human drivers- team security and tribalism- are well navigated in such a way that team members can look outside their narrow silos. They are excellent at talent management, which is why they identify the right people to be leaders at each level. Even teams that they do not lead become part of the bigger picture as inferences are drawn up from these to demonstrate flaws or successes for team mates to remain vigilant about.


Uploaded Date:27 September 2018

Unknowingly and unintentionally, a lot of learning blockers emerge in professionals’ lives. This is a harmful trend especially during the digital age, when business leaders constantly need to hone new skills especially around technology. Sometimes these blockers could be in the form of people, around whom learning diminishes. That is why professionals must seek to enhance their learning abilities while weeding out learning blockers. So, a questionnaire has been designed to this end to understand this learning ability in each one of us. The questionnaire poses several questions such as taking time to reflect on past successes or failures, apply the lessons of failure to future work and whether learning takes place from others in the team. It also speaks of among other matter management training especially on compliance matters, and the seriousness by which this is undertaken. The questionnaire also indirectly urges the participants to take up challenging assignments and not to shirk away from risks or stretches. One needs to challenge the status quo, while also fitting somewhere in it, especially when in unfamiliar territory. Professionals must also not look to merely find an easy way out towards comfort, but challenge the same. People also get away with excuses, but transformation-ready leaders do not fall back upon these. Instead when they have the right ideas, they let them spawn.


Uploaded Date:27 September 2018

John Hennessy has been the President of the Stanford University for 16 years, besides being the Board Chairman at Google, now Alphabet. He is also the Founder of MIPS Computing Systems. There is one skill he has identified as being critical for great leaders to possess. That is the art of storytelling. He feels this is particularly important from the managerial level onwards because as one moves higher up the hierarchy, the technical skills matter less, but people skills more so. Storytelling is a great way of talent management, as people feel inspired by the idea central to any new entrepreneurship or product development. Hennessy has outlined all and more in his latest book titled Leading Matters. The scholarship programme initiated by him at Stanford won a massive US$ 400 million grant from Nike. He feels that this endowment could one day aspire to be at the level of the Rhodes Scholarship endowment.


Uploaded Date:27 September 2018

The word curiosity has not always been seen positively, but now it is facing an image makeover. Several companies’ advertisements for talent recruitment are using the word curiosity in one form or the other to attract innovative personnel. A study conducted recently revealed that about eighty-three percent of company executives believe that they encourage the act of curiosity. Yet, this is a sentiment echoed by a mere fifty-two percent. The general belief is that curious employees are good for the company generating and then implementing business innovations. To truly leverage the inherent curiosity in some, one needs to go back to one’s identity. No one’s identity is monolithic, but rather multi-dimensional. Such identity can even authorize curiosity. The best of organizations are those, rooted in bundles of curiosity.


Uploaded Date:27 September 2018

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