A recent survey done by the Georgetown University established respect to the be the single most important attribute employees seek from their firms. Yet, that is not always forthcoming. Leaders too do not seem to fully comprehend what exactly workplace respect is all about. That is why companies fall short in spite of genuinely well-intentioned efforts. There are two forms of workplace respect- owed and earned. Owed is attributed equally to all, while earned differs from one to another employee depending on their performance, or behaviours demonstrated. Respect is something not always sought after, but when missing it can lead to loss in productivity as employees keep ruminating over this aspect. Respect also helps in employees developing their identities. In order to close this gap and ensure increased mutual respect, certain steps have been identified. For a start, a baseline needs to be established for owed respect which will be minimum and common for all. Specific corporate training programmes must be organized to educate employees and team leaders about the right manner of conveying respect. Such sessions must also let leaders know of seemingly proactive practices which may instead backfire. One must realize that respect causes positive ripple effects. The earned respect to be conveyed must be customized for each employee and level. Respect is infinite, so it must be seen not as a time-waste, but one that saves time.


Uploaded Date:21 July 2018

A lot of business leaders go through times of strategic dilemma. This leads to slowdown in decision making yet is essential to not rush things. Through such self-determination, every leader needs to incorporate four major traits. The first of them is confidence in oneself so as to be firm in one’s decision making. The leader needs to be connected to others within the team or network. This will provide him/her with the exact pulse of people in the organization. Whatever the circumstances may be, the best of leaders must remain committed to the corporate strategy set. Of course, improvisations occur, but the broad message must remain consistent. A key trait of good talent management is emotional courage. The hard truths and tough decisions can then be accepted more easily.


Uploaded Date:21 July 2018

Most people aspire to rise to the very top and this plays out in the corporate world too, as professionals try to emulate the achievements of the best of leaders. Several executive coaching and management training manuals exist on ways to ape these top leaders. Yet, it has been realized that some of the most effective of learning takes place post failure. Three major transitions exist which even the best of C-suite executives often get wrong. One of them is the jump into a leadership position. From being ‘one of the boys’ to be being their commander is a tricky assignment. Organizational transformation is another many are grappling to live with, especially right now due to breakneck technological changes and business model disruptions. A final transition many struggle, is that they do not know what to do next having already reached the pinnacle of their careers. Nothing drives them anymore.


Uploaded Date:18 July 2018

A business leader needs to build in the art of resilience within. Due to the constant technology changes in the present business world, leaders often face adversity, so need to deviate form their values system. Intentional practice and observation can help in developing this resilience. For a start, a plan must be devised towards this. There is even an index known as Adversity Quotient that helps hone this aspect. This quotient strengthens what is termed as CORE, which stands for Control, Ownership, Reach and Endurance. A concept known as “Inner Game” needs to be won. Specific management training sessions abound towards this. One also needs to take advantage of each micro-adversity to learn from it and strengthen the resolve for the future.


Uploaded Date:04 July 2018

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