Like every other sector, transparency is a necessity now in the supply chain as well. There is increasing scrutiny for the same on companies from the governments and various stakeholders. Unfortunately, not all are adopting such principles. There are macro, political factors also at play, with situation being particularly tense in some countries, such as in North Korea. There are several stages to achieving full transparency. Those at the top are the innovators, while the next level are the early adopters. The come the early majority, followed by those furthest removed from complete transparency. The last category is known as the majority. There are several steps to take in achieving the full transparency. The first is to set the goals and gauge risks accordingly. Next up, the team needs to visualize the supply chain. Actionable business intelligence needs to be collected, so that instant remedies may be taken up. One needs to then engage with the key stakeholders, on the new targets and strategies. Finally, one needs to disclose the full information. The benefits will accrue significantly in the future.


Uploaded Date:26 August 2019

Living abroad at least for some time, has been understood to have highly positive impacts on one’s career. Such international experiences help in reducing biases and boost creativity, an essential for ideating business innovations. Studies have shown that living abroad, leads to a clearer sense of self. Self- discerning relations also help build critical thinking abilities. Surprisingly, it was breadth of international experiences and not depth that had a bigger impact. The former is about the number of countries, while the latter refers to the time spent abroad. This was proven through a study conducted on MBA students having lived outside. The clear sense of self also leads to a more- nuanced self- feedback. Clearer career decisions may then be made. It also helps students get a better perspective of one’s own limitations, and what future directions to go for.


Uploaded Date:16 August 2019

There are several ways by which a professional can influence’s his/ her influence at the workplace. This influence has clear value, say the experts. One way to do this is by forging connections along the way. Before one tries to persuade others to follow a certain path, the person needs to have enough business intelligence on the overall picture. The pro will also need to take care of his/ her body language and the tone of speech. Nothing will ever succeed, without a genuine nurturing of one’s skill sets, so best is to develop expertise in some area. A strategy needs to be mapped, around which all other activities may take place. Ultimately, it is important to respect what others want, and give them the same. The use of “I” has to be restricted, replaced more by “We”. One has to make it clear how others’ views are also valued.


Uploaded Date:16 August 2019

Extreme behaviours have somehow become mainstream now, in both personal as well as professional lives. A bit of moderation is now needed towards the right balance. Parenting is also an aspect that is seeing hyper interventions. At the workplace, people use workaholism as a sort of badge of honour. A number of coaching and management training sessions are now bringing the focus to this balance. To begin with, one needs to map out the time spent on each major activity over a period of time. Once this is done, a bit of perspective is needed by looking ahead to the next same number of years. Time has to be allocated to each activity for these upcoming years. The goals and priorities will shift with age. With time, one realises that instead of trying to achieve excellence at anything or everything, a bit of balance leads to a more rewarding life.


Uploaded Date:16 August 2019

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