A lot of organizations struggle to align talent with value. This leads to poor succession plans, temporary solutions and gaps in the talent recruitment process. Team leaders must proactively seek to identify key roles across the group, irrespective of the hierarchy or level. Similarly, new roles also need to be sought out where gaps exist. Quantifiable measures may be used up to investigate areas where most critical roles exist or more people needed. Reallocating talent is as critical to such firms as reallocation of capital. The value agenda needs to be clarified from the outset. While deducing this, one needs to clarify the origin for the greatest bit of value within the group. Big disruptions are envisaged so that one may prepare for the new roles accordingly. The existing talent too must be realigned to the role requirements. The HR team for this needs to be equipped with the best business analytics support. With this they will be able to mine data, which will further help in retain the bets of talent.


Uploaded Date:04 July 2018

Several studies conducted by the Katzenbach Center to understand the sources of employee pride at various organizations, throws up one familiar strain. It is the fact that irrespective of level or designation, in any firm all those employees taking pride do so for pretty much the same reasons. There exist cultural anchors present at several organizations that ramp up emotional energy among employees. Companies would do good to harness this energy for increasing productivity. At times of team reorganization, this can prove to be handy, as non-motivated teams tend to hide information only to protect oneself or the immediate circle. This happens especially if they feel themselves to be mere chess pieces to be moved around. Companies and leaders good at talent management instill this emotional pride through several steps. Initially, there are a set of characteristics that organizations tend to have that generate a sense of pride. This pride leads to an emotional energy which in turn gives rise to success, which automatically fuels an emotional energy. This further translates into a hunger to repeatedly achieve success.


Uploaded Date:04 July 2018

It is perhaps rightly said that behind every mad genius of a scientist, was a restless child. Beyond facts and logic, it is passion that can drive a group of individuals to perform at higher levels. This was the theme behind TED’s “The Age of Amazement” conference that took place recently celebrating momentous innovations. The word amazement did not have very positive connotations to begin with, as it betrayed a sense of bewilderment. But this initial defensiveness, later gave way to positive energy and imagination. The inspiration cycle has four vertices within it. At the stage of Worry, there is an under-emphasis on ideas. But at Intrigue stage, excitement levels rise and positive effects can be seen. At Annoyance, there is an overemphasis on ideas, but bewilderment remains. Boredom has some sort of excitement but emphasis on ideas remains low. Once this cycle is completed, teams get inspired and business innovations give way.Source:

Uploaded Date:04 July 2018


A lot of managers get caught in an endless cycle of trying to rectify their team mates’ weaknesses. This is not constructive as proven by the example of the Microsoft director for the Eastern and Central Europe region. Soon after taking on the assignment, he realized this cycle being in place. He changed that by speaking about the strengths which can be further leveraged, before making suggestions for improvements. This led to a substantial performance improvement which stayed constant for the next four years. Another common mistake in talent management practices is too much focus on the “how” and “what” rather than the “why”. Another is a relentless focus on time management instead of trying to tap one’s energy levels. A lot of emphasis on success over happiness is equally harmful.


Uploaded Date:04 July 2018

A phenomenon in economics termed a spill-over equally affects the business world. This is especially true for mid-sized firms where promotions are not always dependent on hard metrics, but on effects of seemingly unrelated events. According to a study conducted by professors from universities of Stanford, Michigan and Washington, such causality is also prevalent in conglomerates. This increases at places weak in governance. It is a talent management technique to manage the aspirations and motivation levels of different departments. Having some independent members in the board of governance can go some way in reducing this spill-over. That will ensure that those governing are not mere cahoots to departmental heads. Those in the C-Suite must also look to diversify the makeup of their teams so that there is no indulgence towards friends. Spill-overs are not always negative and many firms proactively encourage this to balance the resources available.


Uploaded Date:04 July 2018

A recent survey done by the Georgetown University established respect to the be the single most important attribute employees seek from their firms. Yet, that is not always forthcoming. Leaders too do not seem to fully comprehend what exactly workplace respect is all about. That is why companies fall short in spite of genuinely well-intentioned efforts. There are two forms of workplace respect- owed and earned. Owed is attributed equally to all, while earned differs from one to another employee depending on their performance, or behaviours demonstrated. Respect is something not always sought after, but when missing it can lead to loss in productivity as employees keep ruminating over this aspect. Respect also helps in employees developing their identities. In order to close this gap and ensure increased mutual respect, certain steps have been identified. For a start, a baseline needs to be established for owed respect which will be minimum and common for all. Specific corporate training programmes must be organized to educate employees and team leaders about the right manner of conveying respect. Such sessions must also let leaders know of seemingly proactive practices which may instead backfire. One must realize that respect causes positive ripple effects. The earned respect to be conveyed must be customized for each employee and level. Respect is infinite, so it must be seen not as a time-waste, but one that saves time.


Uploaded Date: 04 July 2018

Formerly with Accenture and now head for talent recruitment at Delta, Jennifer Carpenter has shared her insights on the future of the field at a recent event Talent Connect. With the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, talent acquisition is set to be disrupted tangentially. To dispel fears, she clarifies that the position of recruiters will only enhance and not be displaced. LinkedIn’s suite Talent Insights is one of the technologies that will soon establish the end of resumes as they are now understood. Technologies will extract key insightsabout the candidates. This will remove human bias and ensure workplace diversity receives a massive boost. IQ will soon be supplemented by LQ or Learning Quotient. Due to constant technological changes, only those employees will be in demand who can constantly unlearn and relearn. A study by Accenture confirms that about 85% of their employees are ready and willing to undergo their management training in their own time. This will help them to upskill and stay relevant over the ensuing period.


Uploaded Date:27 June 2018

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