‘Authentizotic’ is a portmanteau of two Greek words- Authentikosand Zootikos. When applied to a corporate context, the former implies one with fair processes, competency, creativity, sense of effectiveness and autonomy. Here the latter means a vitality to life, which helps in finding balance in life, and the need for exploration. There are extremes of organization culture from the very toxic to the really pleasant ones. It is up to individual employees to find the right mix. Developing trust needs the kind of leaders who are consistent and will be forthright with their views. At times, their emotions emerge on the surface. Authentizotic organizations have 4 Cs embedded in their culture. This can be described through Courageous Conversations within a Coaching Culture. At such places, management training through executive coaching is an integral part in helping members learn the trade along the way. Courageous conversations ensure collaboration across individuals and teams that ascertains meaning to the whole purpose.


Uploaded Date:19 January 2018

A study was recently conducted by some researchers from the George Mason University to find whether love and compassion at the workplace have a direct link to improved productivity. For this, they divided their study areas to long-term healthcare being one and the other being seven unrelated industries clustered together. The former was chosen because it was seen as a natural setting while the others were more of a challenge. It was found out that productivity was not much directly as a result of a more compassionate work culture. However, such compassion led to improved talent management and retention statistics. This in turn led to an improvement in performance and implementation of innovations through a sense of continuity. A scale was created specifically for this study, involving points on tenderness, affection, caring and compassion. Also added was “cultural artefacts”. Emotional culture too cannot be lumped under one bracket, but is a combination of several differing behaviors, relevant for the particular situation.


Uploaded Date:19 January 2018

China is increasingly positioning itself as a hub for innovation rather than the mass-scale copycat image it had earlier. The country needs to strive in order to avoid the middle-income trap that could await in ten years’ time. For such a culture of business innovation to prosper, China needs to take imbibe certain habits in its workings. First of all, business units must be able to scale up, irrespective of ownership patterns. The country’s talent management processes also need to be curated to be able to engage creative and skilled individuals. Such creative forces must have the freedom to experiment and even fail if needed. The profits generated need to be shared across a common pool. The information flow must be free and collaborations to flourish within work systems. The ruling class needs to pitch in their contribution by safeguarding the laws for the greater good. Finally, all decision-making on risks need be done in complete fairness and neutrality.


Uploaded Date:09 January 2018

Company culture is the most important thing that determines the success or failure of any organization. This is according to a study commissioned by management consulting firm Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends report. In particular, it is beer company Anheuser-Busch whose company culture ought to be attempted at emulation. The possess certain unique principles such as stating that they’re never truly satisfied with the results. Competitive advantage is maintained due to this relentless focus and non-complacency. Ultimately, consumer is all powerful so experiences are curated for their benefits. All employees are treated as and expected to perform like owners who take up full responsibility for their work. The abiding guidelines emanate not from complicated documents, but simple methods easy for all to emulate. Costs are managed tightly so that resources remain sustainable over time. Leaders need to lead by personal examples. Shortcuts are not practised. Instead quality and integrity remain at the heart of all processes.


Uploaded Date:30 November 2017

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