Several corporate giants such as Samsung, Wells Fargo and Volkswagen have faced lawsuits in recent years. A lot of this is to do with the unethical practices being followed by these companies. It is essential for the management to inculcate beliefs around ethical practices, across the company. Studies have confirmed that for an employee to be ethical, more than his/ her personal beliefs, it is the company- wide policies that affect more. Such ethical practices have to be embedded right at the corporate strategy level itself. The internal communication too needs to be tailored around such ideals. Communications with the external world will automatically gear up, once internally all decked up.


Uploaded Date:14 October 2019

When a new company gets created or when that one is a spin-off of an existing one, unique challenges come up. One needs to establish its corporate strategy afresh while also searching for a head office. A team has to be assembled, which is why at firms such as Conduent headed by Ashok Vemuri, talent recruitment is given top priority. It always helps if the identity of the company to be set up is strategized before the spin-off takes place. A “discuss and deliberate” method always works in getting the people onside. In a lean startup excess paperwork has to be replaced by action and participation. Revenue metrics and the organization structure set the tone for the new organization. Due diligence has to be carried out with the aid of data centres.


Uploaded Date:28 September 2019

Employees’ motivation levels are often guided by the prevalent company culture. Any company looking to up its employee motivation levels needs to work on the three Ps, namely Play, Purpose and Potential. The first one refers to a feeling of bonhomie within the ranks, so that work does not become a chore, while the second is about the overall mission the company is chasing. The third can always be upped using the right corporate training mechanisms. There are several stimuli which shape the entire fulfilment of the three Ps. One of them is the emotional pressure exerted from multiple ends. Another is economic pressure, which is often the biggest driver. A third is inertia, which refers to a significant gap between the corporate strategy, and how one identifies one’s place within the broader scheme of things. If one takes the sample of airlines, Southwest usually comes out right on top, with United at the bottom, while American and Delta slug it out for the middle spots. Trader Joe’s gets the top billing among grocers, with Albertsons at the bottom. Companies too must curate a detailed career ladder to help employees plan out the journey ahead. A weekly reflection huddle within each team is a good way to start. The reasons behind the success or failures of any project need also be examined in detail with the team.


Uploaded Date:26 August 2019

Organizational changes are a constant to any business. A lot of companies, approach this wrongly, by merely telling the employees. Instead, the employees need to be forewarned well in advance, of the impending changes, so they may adjust their own plans accordingly. The best way to do this, is to showcase the corporate strategy, with a compelling vision for the future. Another is to keep them duly informed, by regularly communicating with them. The leaders and managers need to be empowered to lead through with the change targeted. Creative ways too need to be found by which employees could be involved in this change. Thus, the four arches of inform, inspire, engage and empower need to be followed up for this.


Uploaded Date:20 August 2019

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