There exist certain behaviours which may collectively called the holding ones as they entice a professional to reach the zenith of productivity that they’re capable of. Some people could be perceived as excessively intense or even competent. Similarly, there are holding environments where the best of mentors provide the right corporate training so that these professionals can use such strong emotions towards their overall betterment. In order to have such safe houses, three holding behaviours are needed. The emotions needed there are – containment, an enabling perspective and most importantly a sense of empathy. The first emotion will help the trainees to process the events taking place till then. The enabling perspective will simply stimulate the person in taking appropriate action. Empathy is when a person can step into another’s shoe and imagine their difficulties faced.


Uploaded Date:03 March 2018

The Mentorship Program was launched in 2016 by First Round to plug in the gaps in the sphere of mentorship, which is broadly recognized as one of the key tenets in management training, though less formal. To ensure the best of mentorship, a sense of informality will be required along with a good rapport between the mentor and mentee, while the content needs to be conversational, not preachy. Some questions were identified at the end of this which all mentors and mentees need ask themselves. Mentors must ask themselves whether they can be truly helpful to the mentee, about the honesty of the subject person, the preparedness of the same and whether any energy gets transmitted to him/her from the mentee. The mentee meanwhile must ask oneself whether the mentor remembers key details about him/her, the ease of explaining the context of work, whether the advice received will be actionable and about the presence or focus of the mentor. The ground rules towards mentees must be set forth, beginning with relationships being forged around specific problems or challenges. A schedule must be kept for the bigger picture though adherence need not be to the letter-of-the-law. Metrics must be decided so that progress may be quantified. It helps having multiple sets of mentors, who themselves must also be continuously learning.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

With most tech companies grappling with this issue, recruitment of the right people has become a thaw in the growth story for those working on aspects such as robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and the data sciences. Even after talent recruitment, retention and further training the personnel towards constant technology changes becomes another hurdle. A study by Gartner for example states that by the year 2020, a little less than a third of all tech positions will remain unfulfilled due to the non-matching of requirements with available skills. It is necessary for digital firms and recruiters to answer the who, how, what and where of this recruitment puzzle. The core job profiles lie broadly in some sub-domains. These are in – digital marketing, development, analytics and new ways of working within what is broadly called the Industry 4.0. Certain key profiles available include that of venture strategist, marketing automation specialist, UI or UE designer, data scientist, robotics engineer and the scrum manager. Digital talent hotspots today lie in startups, major tech players, healthcare and of course dependent on the attractiveness of the location. These companies must seek to enable digital skills across the ecosystem so that identifying the right talent comes easier. Positions must also be available for all levels- basic, intermediate and advanced.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

It is an old adage that no human being is an island, as each one of us is shaped by the many people and events around us. This statement could not have been truer about the present business environment where political, economic and societal changes are impacting companies more than ever before, rendering them vulnerable to uncontrollable factors. Thus, the concept of delivering maximum shareholder value in the least possible time frame is now untenable, replaced by an adherence to benefit the complex adaptive systems around. Research performed by the Man Power Group has confirmed that up to two-fifths of all millennials surveyed, claimed that they wanted to contribute towards the betterment of society rather than simply seek monetary benefits themselves. The pursuit of narrow goals has led to a mistrust on businesses in general, worker disengagement and rising inequality between the haves and have-nots. Companies can modify the corporate strategy documents to focus on a broader agenda, by beginning with defining the purpose and social goal of the company. Instead of near-term growth, companies must focus on establishing futuristic vitality. Clearly defined metrics must be made use of, to numerically gauge holistic performances. Specific management training programmes must be adopted to ensure retraining of employees in accordance to new paradigms such as artificial intelligence or the data sciences. Entrepreneurial business ecosystems need to be encouraged within the organization. The new narrative must focus on globalization and technology in such a way that all stakeholders feel inspired.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

An estimate prepared by the Georgetown University states the total expenditure done at meetings in various organizations down to twenty-three hours’ valuable work. There are in total about three billion meetings a year, with a fourth of the time spent on irrelevant stuff. This lag can be reduced to a large extent by adopting the principles of design thinking, a term popularized by the agency IDEO and the design school at Stanford. Since a lot of people appear anxious at meetings, empathy needs to be webbed into the talent management systems of the company. Some questions could be posed such as who all are to be in the meeting room, who won’t physically be in it, but will be affected and the major challenges or opportunities within the work team does one face. Before beginning such meetings, one can actively pursue those who will attend to gauge reactions to such questions. After this, a frame needs to be developed to chalk out the objectives of the meeting. The meeting needs to be designed creatively with key concern for reaching the end goal as quickly as possible, and being most relevant to the concerned people. Before any major meetings, one can always test it out in smaller groups.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

Several studies conducted by the Katzenbach Center to understand the sources of employee pride at various organizations, throws up one familiar strain. It is the fact that irrespective of level or designation, in any firm all those employees taking pride do so for pretty much the same reasons. There exist cultural anchors present at several organizations that ramp up emotional energy among employees. Companies would do good to harness this energy for increasing productivity. At times of team reorganization, this can prove to be handy, as non-motivated teams tend to hide information only to protect oneself or the immediate circle. This happens especially if they feel themselves to be mere chess pieces to be moved around. Companies and leaders good at talent management instill this emotional pride through several steps. Initially, there are a set of characteristics that organizations tend to have that generate a sense of pride. This pride leads to an emotional energy which in turn gives rise to success, which automatically fuels an emotional energy. This further translates into a hunger to repeatedly achieve success.


Uploaded Date:23 February 2018

Most companies envy the likes of Google, Facebook and Apple, for the enormous talent pipeline they possess. Talent recruitment gets easier at such places due to the massive brand name, and the nearly infinite perks at work. While that sort of employer brand reputation cannot be forged in one day, and requires substantial amounts of money, a talent pipeline is not dependent on these alone, but on four other crucial factors. First of all, there must be a defined sense of purpose at the organization. The work must have a certain meaning so it must be relevant for people. The impact of the work must be visible where benefits have percolated. Finally, the idea of growth at work must be visible.


Uploaded Date:19 February 2018

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