There has long been debate whether companies must enforce rules or build in values. Key talent management advocates vouch for the latter. Values are after-all in built and are about the right thing. Rules can never be fully enforced. They are also often seen as arbitrary and quickly get outdated. An example of this can be cited from a most unusual source during the Holocaust in Europe. The non-Jews most responsible for rescue of Jews always tended to cite their behaviour on their parents’ explanations from childhood. Acceleration Partners is one company that has wholeheartedly taken in this view and so has drafted core values based around behavioral patterns. This has helped them right from talent recruitment to drafting their strategy.


Uploaded Date:16 August 2018

The mentor-protégé relationship is one of the most special and talked of in business circles. The right coaching skills not only help the mentee, but even the mentor feels uplifted by the entire process. To get the best out of these systems, a few steps need to be put in place, beginning with creating a penalty-free environment. Employees must not hesitate in taking innovative risks. All members in the team must be brought onside to commit towards overall team goals. At times, a role reversal could work wonders, with the protégé instead performing reverse-mentoring. A mentor’s job is not to fix each and every tiny flaw in the system. Instead it is to ensure that the mentees perform well towards the bigger picture of the corporate strategy. Learning opportunities must be grasped whenever they arise on the job. One mustn’t instead wait for formal management training exercises.


Uploaded Date:09 August 2018

A lot of companies and leaders boast of having great cultures. Yet, this word is not well-defined. Some feel it is about the perks and entertainment options such as foosball tables or free meals. Others feel it ought to be about to be about health options such as yoga mats or cross-fit chairs. Another lot believes that it is about being part of a fast-growing learning organization. While this is closer to the truth, the reality requires a few overarching principles coming together. It includes three principles which are- behaviours, systems and practices. Companies need to walk the talk. One claiming to have great talent management practices but not allowing work-life balance to actually take place by asking people to frequently stay back late does not cut it. One claiming to be a learning organization but not equipping the employees with the right tools or setting aside time for development for them also does not make it. Within systems, there exist five sub-categories which are about – strategy and goal setting, talent recruitment, assessment, development and a rewarding system. Best practices are usually set by great employees who leave a lasting impact on the company culture and work patterns.


Uploaded Date:09 August 2018

The Katzenbach Center has always prided itself on gauging the few behaviours that lead to organizational transformation. However, an emerging challenge is how to leverage this once these behaviours have truly been identified. An experiment proved that in the present era of social media, ideas spread much more quickly due to the network effect. Organizations have also learnt from these lessons and use this to the full effect for their digital marketing. All firms do not work in the same manner, so rules for success may differ. Yet, some tactics are fairly universal that work everywhere. One such is to groom AILs (Authentic Informal Leaders). These are company influencers to be tapped within teams and networks. Leaders must signal behaviours through some gestures and talks on commitment that will energize the team. The team management needs to be formally aligned with the overall corporate strategy.


Uploaded Date:02 August 2018

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