A number of major national and international social issues remain unsolved primarily due to lack of funding afflicting most non-profit organizations. Most have annual budgets that are merely enough to survive, so expansion and scaling is rarely possible. Common rhetoric would suggest that nonprofits raise funds from a variety of sources, so that they aren’t too dependent on any one. But contrary to this idea, most of the successful nonprofits actually tend to make most of their money from single sources. Good examples of this would be the Sierra Club and Hot Bread Kitchen. As a way out, design thinking has been suggested as it bridges the gap between the actual product and its image in front of donor or funding agencies. It adds to the aesthetic appeal which further entices people to invest in doing good.


Uploaded Date:14 June 2018

While it is in human nature, to try and win every time, hindsight suggests that losing occasionally will be good in the long-run. Just as several inventors credit their success to the numerous failures from where they learnt, similarly even negotiators cannot be allowed to win all the time. Human beings have a tendency to view the world as flawed but fair. So, when one person or even team wins all the time, suspicions arise about the fairness of the game. The interest in law-tennis or rugby union can only be maintained when giants such as Roger Federer or the All-Blacks do occasionally conspire to lose from their winning streaks. Losing on purpose may be a risky strategy, but it helps in securing commitments for the future. This would occasionally entail deviating from the set corporate strategy but provides the legitimacy to weed out flaws inherent in the system.


Uploaded Date:05 June 2018

Western and Asian cultures have both always revered the university as the highest point of education. Yet, a lot of changes are afoot. Online educational platforms are now making education far more accessible for one and all. This has led to a movement where certain thinkers are trying to do-away or at least reduce the dependency on this traditional money-guzzling institution. The traditional university undoubtedly brought certain benefits such as knowledge production and delivery. It provides a screening of candidates and a formal certification. A university is also a place for socialization. One gets placed at companies using the university as a base. Now a lot of this knowledge delivery and generation has got unbundled through the online portals. Startups such as Venturesity are modernizing talent recruitment, UpGrad helping in professorships and KitnaDetiHai is helping with corporate training. There are several new niches and opportunities emerging in the field of education in the revamped and leaner University 2.0.


Uploaded Date:17 May 2018

Most respectable companies these days realize the importance and need of increasing gender diversity in their organizations, especially at senior levels. While even today, women make up only around a fifth of C-Suite executive positions, steps are being taken in the right direction. One problem emerging though is that with all this talk on gender gaps being reduced, some sense of fatigue is setting in, with fears of not being able to maintain this momentum over a long period. The Women in the Workplace report has been compiled by McKinsey with the Lean-In organization to assess improvements in the execution. To maintain momentum, companies most hold themselves accountable and involve the men in this implementation. Business analytics may be used to track the changes involving measurable metrics. While many companies are tracking the numbers, few are setting tangible targets, and even fewer are transparently reporting on the same. Besides gender, race must also be emphasized during such rounds of implementing transformation.


Uploaded date:01 March 2018

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